ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Preview
As with our preview of the ASUS P6T Deluxe motherboard earlier, this is a prelude to a dedicated review once the NDA has been lifted. While it is hard to make a conclusion about the ASUS Rampage II Extreme motherboard in the absence of some dedicated benchmarks and performance comparisons to current hardware, there are some areas that are worth highlighting.
The ASUS Rampage II Extreme build quality is very apparent, and is decidedly well laid out and presented. The additional real estate provided by the EATX PCB certainly ensures ample room for critical areas of the board. The ASUS Rampage II Extreme is shaping up to be such a well presented and performing motherboard, and although we can’t show you any of our BIOS images, let’s just say that tweakers will be happy :D.
The inclusion of SLI will no doubt be welcomed by many who simply must have multiple GPU’s, although there are some caveats associated with the luxury which I highlighted during the tour around the motherboard. For those who were thinking that the X58 could be the demise of NVIDIA and its SLI chipsets, I don’t think this is going to be the case. Not in the short term anyway.
In conclusion, the ASUS Rampage II Extreme looks to be shaping up nicely, but as the saying goes – “the proof is in the pudding”. Once the current NDA is removed and Core i7 is upon our shores, we can provide you with the bigger picture and where the ASUS Rampage II Extreme fits within the grand scheme of things.
Overclock3D would like to thank ASUS for making the Rampage II Extreme available.
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