Foxconn Renaissance X58 Digital Life Motherboard

Super Pi logo

SuperPI is the benchmark of choice for many overclockers. It’s lightweight to download and can give a quick indication on how good a system is at number crunching. Once again, testing was performed a total of 5 times, with an average being calculated from the middle three results.

Super Pi 1M
Super Pi 8M
Super Pi 32M

Sisoft SANDRA logo

SiSoftware Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility capable of benchmarking the performance of individual components inside a PC. Each of the benchmarks below were run a total of five times with the highest and lowest scores being discarded and an average being calculated from the remaining three.

Sandra CPU Arithmatic
Sandra CPU Multimedia

Sandra Memory Bandwidth

Sandra Memory Latency

Everest logo

Everest is in many ways similar to Sisoft Sandra. Focusing mainly on software and hardware information reporting, Everest also comes with a benchmark utility suitable for testing the read, write and latency performance of the memory subsystem. Each of these benchmarks were performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest scores being discarded and an average calculated from the remaining 3.

Everest Read and write

Everest Latency

Results Observations

When it comes down to CPU performance of the Foxconn Renaissance, our Super Pi benchmark demonstrates the additional performance obtained by overclocking the processor. The Sisoft Sandra CPU Arithmatic and Multimedia benchmarks further reinforce this. The overclocked memory read/write performance has also significantly increased over the stock settings and the memory bandwidth test also shows improved performance.