Intel Xeon 2697 V2 24 Core 48 Thread Madness Review
Test Setup
2x Intel Xeon E5-2697v2
2x Corsair H75
2x Corsair Vengeance 32GB
2x Corsair Force 3 GT 480GB
Corsair AX1200
Corsair 900D
Club3D 280X
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 BitÂ
Utilising Windows 7, even in the 64 Bit version, means that the 12/24 cores of the Xeon E5-2697v2 wont be fully utilised as we have a 32 core limit, so that’s worth bearing in mind when looking through our results. It certainly demonstrates how high-end the Xeon’s are, and that you’re expected to use them with a Linux distro rather than an off-the-peg OS.