Gigabyte RTX 4070 Windforce 12G OC Review
Many manufacturers have their own versions of various graphics cards and Gigabyte are no exception.
Whilst at the top of their range sit the Aorus models, the price is aimed at those enthusiasts with deep pockets. We’re not saying we wouldn’t kill for one of their Waterforce RTX 4090s, we’re just saying the only way we could afford one is if we did. For those with more normal levels of funding the Windforce cards are usually where the big sales numbers and affordable price points are to be found, and the newest addition ot their range of Nvidia-based cards – the RTX 4070 Windforce 12G OC – takes this to new levels of customer consideration. How so? It’s only listed at the same MSRP as the Founders Edition.
No extra cost for the mild factory overclock. No extra price for the Windforce cooler. MSRP (namely £589). If you’ve been keeping a close eye on the graphics card market in the past couple of years you’ll know that most manufacturers and/or storefronts used the supply chain issues and global lockdown to put prices through the roof. Thus even before we have begun Gigabyte deserve a feather in their cap for swimming against the tide and bringing an updated card without increasing the price at all. Kudos.
Technical Specifications
As you might already be familiar with the specifications of the RTX 4070 from our Founders Edition review, here is how the RTX 4070 GPU stacks up against its predecessors. Certainly if you were saving up for a RTX 3070 Ti then the extra features you get from the RTX 4070 have rewarded your patience.