Nvidia GTX295 Quad SLI

Oblivion from Bethseda is now an ‘old’ game by today’s standards, but is still one of the most visually taxing games out there. The benchmark was run in the wilderness with all settings set to the maximum possible. Bloom was used in preference to HDR. The test was run five times with the average FPS then being deduced.

Ubisoft has developed a new engine specifically for Far Cry 2, called Dunia, meaning “world”, “earth” or “living” in Parsi. The engine takes advantage of multi-core processors as well as multiple processors and supports DirectX 9 as well as DirectX 10. Running the Far Cry 2 benchmark tool the test was run 5 times with the highest and lowest scores being omitted and the average calculated from the remaining 3.
Again we see some good gains were to be had across our range of games. Crysis was particularly impressive, especially at high resolutions. This game is usually a slide show at high resolutions with AA applied but the SLI rig cut through it like a knife through butter. Between a 30-40% gain in frames per second is certainly nothing to be scoffed at as the above games are renown for being FPS killers in the past but the SLIÂ setup, even when pushed to the limit, were not phased by the challenge.
Now it’s time to have some fun…