ZOTAC RTX 3080 Ti AMP Holo Review
Ah MSRP. It’s become a thorny issue of late. Just as soon as we’d all stopped celebrating the incredible pricing of the vanilla RTX 3080 and RTX 3070 when compared to the 2000 series Turing cards which came before then this launch happened and everything got thrown up into the air.
The reality of eBay and similar pricing is demonstrating that there is a big market out there regardless of what we may think, so perhaps it isn’t as big an issue for some as we may believe. We feel strongly that PC hardware, and the entertainment it can provide, shouldn’t be solely the preserve of the well-heeled, or the people in their moms basement with a twitch account and no outgoings. So we will still be very cross about the negligible performance increases of the Ti cards when compared to the enormous price increase. Thankfully in performance terms the 3080 Ti is a bit closer to the RTX 3090 and thus the price, whilst still eye-watering, at least gets a level of performance to impress with. Let’s not kid ourselves though, if the shop shelves were flooded with RTX 3070s and RTX 3080s then these cards would get very little interest from either us or consumers.
All of which means we’re now in the weird state of affairs where the Zotac AMP Holo is going to get our plaudits for being £400 cheaper than the MSI and ASUS cards we’ve recently looked at, even if it’s still too expensive for our tastes. We don’t all run websites that pay us a fortune after all. Some of us are humble writers subsisting on crumbs. How does the Zotac RTX 3080 Ti AMP Holo match up against its competition, which in price terms at least is the Founders Edition alone? Only one way to find out, so let’s do it to it.
Technical Specifications