ASUS ROG Spatha Wireless Gaming Mouse Review

ASUS ROG Spatha Wireless Gaming Mouse Review


There have been massive advances in the quality of wireless gaming mice in recent years. What was once something which relied upon a couple of AA batteries and the understanding that you will have some serious latency is now almost as blistering as the wired option that professional gamers rely upon.

The Spatha takes this responsiveness to a new level by not only managing to wirelessly hit the 1000Hz polling rate that is the industry standard and only exists on a tiny handful of current mice, but also by halving the response time when you run the Spatha in its wired configuration. We can’t think of another mouse which supports 2000Hz polling. So it’s not just that the Spatha is as good when wireless as other companies wired offerings, but when wired it’s even better. Marrying that low latency up to an amazing 8200DPI Optical sensor is the masterstroke. The debate between optical sensors and LASER ones goes on, but it’s generally agreed that an optical sensor is the preferred method if you demand absolute accuracy, so having an optical sensor with the microfine capabilities of such a high-accelerative DPI ensures that any problems with unit selection or sniping accuracy can be laid firmly at your own feet.

A beautiful sensor, and low latency, isn’t much use if the mouse is uncomfortable or difficult to find the right button in the heat of battle, but thankfully the Spatha is supremely comfortable. The ergonomics are excellent with a high grip side to keep everything under control when things get sweaty, and the buttons are placed within easy reach. Having a plethora of side buttons is one of the most difficult design challenges due to the relative numbness of our thumbs when compared to our fingers, and the design of the Spatha circumvents this by having the buttons all be a different size, and the ones nearer the least sensitive part of your thumb are larger to assist this “finding it in a hurry” ethos. The side buttons are usually squishier than the left and right ones, but the Spatha offerings are as crisp as the light touch of the main button Omron switches. If you prefer a heavier click to your LMB/RMB then the ROG Switch sockets allow you to change out the buttons for an option of your choosing in a matter of moments.



The ASUS ROG Spatha is very much a premium mouse with a premium price tag, but such is the quality of every design decision and every material used in its construction it never feels needlessly expensive. Even at this price point you’re getting excellent value for money. It all just works so well from the ‘easy to place’ charging cradle, the excellent lighting options, great software, blistering sensor and premium materials it’s a mouse that can improve anyone’s game and a worthy winner of our OC3D Enthusiast Award.

We can’t believe we went this whole review without misspelling Spatha as Sparta, or making a “THIS IS SPATHA” joke. Go us.

ASUS ROG Spatha Wireless Gaming Mouse Review  

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