Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory

Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory

Light Show/Eye Candy

If you have been a PC gamer for the past few years, you will be well aware of what RGB lighting can do for your system, delivering a level of customisability that was previously impossible, both in terms of versatility and available colour options. 

In times gone by LED lighting was restricted to the LEDs that manufacturers offered on their products, rarely extending beyond Red, Green and Blue. What you could do with your system was limited, and any changes came at a high cost. Do you have a blue system and want to change it to red? Well, in the past that required changing every illuminated component that you had. Now all you need is some software control options and a few button clicks. 

Options are what RGB LEDs offer, and Corsair’s Dominator Platinum memory delivers that, providing a pure white, a rich red and deep emerald greens. This is truly the pinnacle of Corsair’s RGB lighting accomplishments.  

Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory  

Corsair’s latest version of iCue supports their new Dominator Platinum memory modules, offering support for up to eight DIMMs and the ability to deliver both static colour options and a variety of pre-programmed and custom lighting sequences, all of which can be run at a range of speeds.  

There are a few niggles with Corsair’s software with quad-channel setups, but these can be easily addressed, so much so that we hope that Corsair will address the bug in future versions of iCue. Please watch our video for more information and a visual showcase of the issue. 

Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory  
By default, Corsair’s iCue software allows users to set their memory up to offer lighting options such as Rainbow Wave, Spiral Rainbow, Rainbow, Colour Shift, Colour Pulse, Colour Wave, Rain, Visor, Sequential Marquee and an endless list of static colour options. These modes will be shown in our video overview.   

Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory  
While RGB memory will be seen as unnecessary by some, to others it will act as the finishing touch of a full RGB setup, providing the final spark that could bring your system to its next level. 

Corsair Dominator Platinum RGB Series DDR4 Memory Â