Posting external news snippets
Posting external news snippets
Hi news peeps
The old way that we used to post news snippets has now been superseded, thanks to a little magic from Jim. As a result I’ve done up a little article for you guys to make the transition pain-free.
1. Find your news snippet
Head over to the generic OC3D news inbox (Username: newsteam, Password: capri) and find yourself a juicy external news/review snippet. I tend to move snippets to the ‘actioned’ folder if we have already conducted a review on the product at OC3D.
2. Post the news snippet
Head over to here, and at the bottom of the page you will find the option to post a news snippet. Click on the ‘Options’ link which is highlighted in red.
* Note: Please be mindful that the news snippets are to be posted according to their category. There is a snippets editor in each category heading (mice reviews in input devices, PSU reviews in Power Supplies etc)
Enter your news snippet details in the small editor that opens up. Please make sure that you keep the title of the snippet to a maximum of 50 characters (inc. spaces), because if you don’t the snippet won’t load and you’ll have to do it all again.You may need to edit the title a little to make it fit. Enter the name of the external site on the next line and the snippet URL on the line below it.
* Be mindful that some external news/review sites post a URL to both the article and an image. Just make sure that you pick the article URL 😀
Once you’ve filled in all the details for posting the snippet then you can now hit the ‘Add’ button at the top of the page to make the snippet ‘live’. I’m not sure if you guys have access to the ‘Delete’ function, but if you do its use is pretty self explanatory.
3. Notifying the external news/review site
Complete the news snippet process by firing off a short email to the external site saying that their article has been posted, and thank them for it please.
Well ladies that’s pretty much all there is to it and let’s keep that news inbox empty. Should you have any questions then please don’t hesitate to post in this thread.