Blue Protocol PC Benchmark Performance Overview
1440p Performance
By default, Blue Protocol’s PC benchmark gives gamers a score that rates your system’s performance. If it is below 5000, the game recommends that you change the game’s graphical settings, or lower your resolution. If your score is over 8,000, Blue Protocol’s developers believe that you can comfortably play the game with your selected settings, and if your score is above 10,000, your PC can play the game very comfortably and the developers believe that you have enough headroom increase the game’s graphical settings.
With our RTX 4090, Blue Protocol’s performance score drops by just over 2,000 points, suggesting that the game is CPU limited on our test system at 1080p and 1440p with a graphics card this high-end. Since this score comes from a system that is offering gamers an average framerate of 236 FPS, most gamers will likely have an easy time playing Blue Protocol at high framerates on PC with the right settings. Though this assumes that the final game isn’t more CPU-limited than this benchmark.
Graphics cards like Nvidia’s RTX 3060 Ti and above are comfortably running Blue Protocol’s PC benchmark at 1440p with the game’s highest preset with average framerates exceeding 100 FPS. This is great news for PC gamers who want to play Blue Protocol on high refresh rate displays. If XeSS, DLSS, and FSR can be integrated into Blue Protocol before its launch, even more GPUs will be able to achieve framerates like this, which would be great news for all PC gamers.  Â