NieR Replicant PC Port Report and Performance Review

NieR Replicant PC Port Report and Performance Review

4K – Strange problems, very strange problems…

At 4K, NieR replicant has a strange issue. Having too much GPU performance can result in framerate dips. Yep, having too much spare GPU performance can cause performance dips. Even with our Special K fixes in place, NieR Replicant has some strange issues on PC… 

With our Nvidia RTX 3070 and Radeon RX 6800, we experienced performance dips at 4K as neither graphics card would maintain their full clock speeds under load. Both graphics cards ran with frequencies that frequently dipped below 1,000MHz, as both graphics cards appeared to be moving between various power states. This results in odd results, such as AMD’s RX 5700 XT delivering more stable performance than AMD’s RX 6800. As we have said before in this analysis, Square Enix needs to fix this game… 

At 4K, graphics cards like Nvidia’s GTX 1080 Ti and AMD’s RX 5700 can maintain a mostly stable 60 FPS framerate, and higher-end GPUs like Nvidia’s RTX 2080 Ti and Radeon’s RX 5700 XT can maintain a very stable 60 FPS lock. It’s strange that higher-end cards struggle to maintain similar framerates, but that is due to how poor NieR Replicant’s PC port is. 

While 4K performance is playable on GPUs like AMD’s RX 6800 and Nvidia’s RTX 3070, it is annoying that full framerate stability isn’t achievable thanks to NeiR Replicant’s buggy nature. 

NieR Replicant PC Port Report and Performance Review Â