Corsair One Pro Review

Corsair One Review

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So compact is the Corsair One Pro that it’s extremely difficult to show everything off in photographs, but we know that many of you love to pour over the details of a picture in those times when the videos are unavailable. This is one of the times when even those of you with a particular aversion to watching me waffle on for hours on end really need to set aside twenty minutes of your life and get a feel for the Corsair One Pro, because it is design taken to the level of art. Compact hardware is nothing new as anyone with a laptop will attest, but equally anyone with a laptop will tell you about how running anything more complicated than Notepad causes the fans to spin up to annoying levels and your thighs and wrists to get much warmer than you would like. The Corsair One Pro annihilates any preconceptions that compact dimensions have to equal high heat or loud noise and gives us a gaming system that is as quiet as one of the fans in that big tower you have on your desk, yet with no compromise in performance.

By utilising ‘off the shelf’ components in the majority of cases you also have the comfort that comes from knowing you can upgrade this just as easily as you could upgrade any standard system. It is a marvel of modern engineering. It may take you a little longer to change the parts but it does all come apart. If you ever do want to change anything youll get to witness the wonder of the incredible cable management which for an off the shelf PC is nothing short of amazing. If we had a slight issue it is that the LEDs on the front are only available in this ice blue rather than RGB, but we can live with it. Corsair’s line that it “detracts from the ethos of a quiet PC” is as laughable in reality as it must have been to the copywriter who invented it. We have a suspicion this is just the best shade of blue for looking nice on those plastic strips down the front, we would bet a month of Georges wages that if you changed it to RGB it just wouldnt look right. White probably would though… BBQ food for thought?

Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
Corsair One Review  
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