OCZ DIY Gaming Notebook 15″
Quake 4 is a game built on the Doom 3 engine. Benchmarking was performed using Quake4Bench and a custom timedemo recording along with 2xAA, 2xAF settings at each notebooks native resolution. The benchmark was set to run a total of 5 times, with Quake4Bench automatically calculating an average result at the end of the run.
F.E.A.R. is a game based on the Lithtech Jupiter EX engine. It has volumetric lighting, soft shadows, parallax mapping and particle effects. Included in the game is a benchmark facility that taxes the entire PC system. This benchmark was run a total of 5 times, with the highest and lowest results being excluded and an average being calculated on the remaining 3 results.
Bioshock is a recent FPS shooter by 2K games. Based on the UT3 engine it has a large amount of advanced DirectX techniques including excellent water rendering and superb lighting and smoke techniques. All results were recorded using F.R.A.P.S with a total of 5 identical runs through the same area of the game. The highest and lowest results were then removed, with an average being calculated from the remaining 3 results.
Result Observations
Finishing off with some ‘real-world’ games, we can see that the DIYÂ is the clear winner yet again, with F.E.A.R especially showing a massive improvement over the next nearest competitor. However, it has to be said that although the DIY does win by a decent margin, the actual FPS results aren’t exactly breathtaking and wouldn’t make for a very good ‘experience’ even using last year’s games.