ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review

ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review

Up Close Part One

The packaging for the Fusion 500 is something special compared to the majority of headset packaging we see. The two out pieces slide away to reveal a very nice box with the headset itself. The key features are clearly laid out and the combination of the multi-hued ROG logo that is such a part of the Strix range alongside the chrome lettering really give a quality air to the box.

ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  
ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  

It is easy to get jaded or cynical and think that whether or not opening a package should be an event has zero bearing upon the product, but first impressions are important and the Fusion 500 definitely makes a serious first impression. Freed from the excellent outer packaging the internal protection is of a high quality and the chromed ear coverings look the business. It’s also nice to see ASUS have included a spare set of ear pads. We know that not everyone likes the leather style, so having a foam option is nice. Although the headset isn’t wireless the cable is detachable and of the same USB type as we all have on our phones, so customising it with a coloured cable of your choosing shouldn’t be too much of a faff if the mood takes you.

ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  
ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  

You get a sense of the attention to detail that has gone into the Fusion 500 from the inclusion of the ROG logo behind the mesh. Many people will own this headset without ever noticing them.

ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  

Rather than go for a microphone which is removable, or one that is pushed back into the body of the headset, ASUS have utilised a recessed one which is easy to pull out and, thanks to a tactile bump when putting it back in place, is easy to know if it’s auto-muted or not.

We know you’ll all have spotted the sticker on the left earpiece, but we’ll get to that on the next page.

ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review  
ASUS ROG Strix Fusion 500 Headset Review Â