Lian Li PC343 ATX Case
Temperature results
To ensure that we didn’t give the PC-343 any unfair advantages, only the stock fans provided with the case were used during the testing. In addition to this, all fans were connected directly to a +12v molex to prevent any potential skew in the results from the motherboard trying to manage the fan speed.
Temperature readings for the CPU and Case were taken using Asus’ PC Probe, GPU was taken using ATITool and Hard Disk directly from S.M.A.R.T. While we fully understand that these results may not be entirely accurate when compared with a digital thermal probe, they serve perfectly well when results conducted with the same core hardware.
To test the airflow in the case the system was put under 100% load by running OCCT, Nvidia Stability test, HDtach (long Bench) were run simultaneously for 30 minutes. The case temperature rose by 12c over the 30 minutes testing, which is a very good result. The front fans and roof radiator mount gave the case very good airflow. The Q6600 and 8800gt were both belting out the heat in the tests and the case worked very well to keep the temperatures down.
Noise Opinions
Even with four 120mm fans running at 100% this case is still not over powering, its only the graphics card fan in this set up you can hear. Most surprisingly for me an everyday Raptor user is the HDD cage has silenced it. Even when testing the drives for temperature I couldnât hear the Raptor or 750gb drives clunking away like they usually do. I had to take the side panel off at one point and put my ear to them to check everything was ok!