Foxconn Digitalife A79A-S Motherboard


The Foxconn A79A-S is packaged in a bold and highly visible cardboard box with a predominantly black and white theme. On the front of the box is an image of cartoon-like people going about their business with motherboard components featuring as furniture and digital appliances. On the rear of the box, Foxconn has included an image of the A79A-S motherboard with arrows pointing to the prominant features of the motherboard.
Foxconn A79A-S packaging front Foxconn A79A-S packaging rear

On the leading edges of the box there are further images illustrating that the Foxconn A79A-S motherboard supports AMD’s Phenom processors, ATI Crossfire and is Windows Vista ready. Foxconn has also included a very brief specification list which can be seen below (right).

Foxconn A79A-S support Foxconn A79A-S specifications

Foxconn appears to be taking a leaf out of ASUS’ book when it comes to packaging. On the top of the box is a secondary lid that when opened reveals additional information about the A79A-S’ features.

Foxconn cover insert Foxconn cover insert

Opening up the box we can see the usual double-walled cardboard box that houses both the motherboard and the included bundle. This method of packaging hardware is proven, and subsequently, should provide maximum protection for the motherboard contained within.

Foxconn A79A-S box opened Foxconn A79A-S motherboard box
Motherboard box opened Motherboard and bundle box
Opening up the box we can see the Foxconn A79A-S motherboard securely situated on top in an anti-static bag. Underneath the motherboard is a secondary box that houses the bundle.

Opening up the bundle box we were greeted by a mass of SATA and Molex-to-SATA power cables. You would be excused for thinking that Foxconn had a special on them at the moment. As well as the cabling, Foxconn has included a standard array of bits and bobs in the bundle, I have made a list of them for you below:

* OEM I/O backplate
* 6x SATA cables
* 6x 4-pin Molex to SATA power cables
* 1x IDE cable
* 1x Floppy cable
* 1x USB 2.0 and IEEE1394 cable extender
* Support CD
* Motherboard manual
* Specification summary
Foxconn A79A-S bundle_1 Foxconn A79A-S bundle_2

Now that we’ve seen what you can expect in the packaging and contents department of the Foxconn A79A-S motherboard, let’s head over the page to see the motherboard itself in detail…