ASUS ROG GTX 1080 Ti Poseidon Platinum Review

ASUS ROG GTX 1080 Ti Poseidon Platinum Review


With a dual purpose cooler you would expect there to be some compromise between the two cooling styles with neither of them proving a match for a dedicated solution. However, the air-cooling on the Poseidon is nowhere near as bad as we feared, and the water cooled temperatures aren’t much above ambient.

All our testing is done at 20c fix but its been warm here in the UK this week so we ran them without the climate control on with a recorded room temp of 27c!. The air temps stuck fast at 74c but fan speeds did increase a little. Water temperates did go up too but only to 51c…. 51c graphics card running in a 27c room? That works then!

ASUS ROG GTX 1080 Ti Poseidon Platinum Review Â