ASUS GTX1070 Strix Review

ASUS GTX 1070 Strix Review

Test Setup

ASUS GTX 1070 Strix
Intel i7 6850K
ASUS X99 Strix
Corsair ROG Dominator Platinum 3200
Corsair RM1000i
Corsair LX 512GB OS
Corsair LS 480GB x2 Raid0 Games
Corsair H100i V2
Windows 10

Boost Speeds

The average clock speed of the ASUS Strix is extremely consistent, thanks largely to the exceptional cooling performance from the Strix cooler and the consistent power performance. nVidia’s GPU Boost 3.0 works best when the power draw is consistent and there is plenty of thermal headroom, and the ASUS ticks the boxes.

ASUS GTX 1070 Strix Review Â