ASUS RX480 Strix Crossfire Review
Test Setup
2x ASUS RX480 Strix
Intel i7 6850K
ASUS X99 Strix
Corsair ROG Dominator Platinum 3200
Corsair RM1000i
Corsair LX 512GB OS
Corsair LS 480GB x2 Raid0 Games
Corsair H100i V2
Windows 10
Clock Speeds
With the OC Profile enabled the cards run at 1330MHz. There is such a tiny difference between the OC profile and the Gaming profile there is no point in keeping it on the gaming mode. Overclocking wise they pretty much run as fast as they can out of the box and playing with the power limit doesn’t unlock any extra performance like it may have with the reference card proving power limitations are not an issue with the Strix.