CableMod 90 and 180 Degree 12VHPWR Adapter Guide

CableMod 90 and 180 Degree 12VHPWR Adapter Guide

Variant B 12VHPWR connectors  

To see an example of a Variant B (or Type B) 12VHPWR connector, we only need to look at Nvidia’s RTX 4090 Founders Edition. Below we can see that the connector’s smaller 4-pin section is at the top of the connector and near the GPU’s PCB. This is the opposite orientation to the variant A connector on the last page.    

CableMod 90 and 180 Degree 12VHPWR Adapter Guide

90-Degree Adaptor

With a 90-degree Variant B adaptor, we can see that our 12VHPWR connection is routed downwards. A Variant A connector would point upwards if used with this graphics card. 

Given the orientation of Variant B 90-degree adaptors, the plastic clip of the connector is on its underside, and difficult to access. Our advice for removing this connector is to first remove your GPU’s power cable from the adaptor, and then to place a plastic rod of screwdriver behind the connector to push up the plastic clasp, allowing you to remove the 12VHPWR adaptor from your graphics card with relative ease. Please do not try to remove this connector with brute force, as you risk damaging your adaptor or graphics card. 

CableMod 90 and 180 Degree 12VHPWR Adapter Guide

180-degree adaptors

Like Variant A 180-degree adaptors, their Variant B counterparts are designed to route the 12VHPWR cables of supported graphics cards behind their backplates.   

CableMod 90 and 180 Degree 12VHPWR Adapter Guide