EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra Review

EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra Review

Test Setup

EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra
Intel i7 6850K
ASUS X99 Strix
Corsair ROG Dominator Platinum 3200
Corsair RM1000i
Corsair LX 512GB OS
Corsair LS 480GB x2 Raid0 Games
Corsair H100i V2
Windows 10

Clock Speeds

The quality of the cooling is sufficent to push the FTW3 Ultra into third place on our average clock speed graph, just a hair ahead of our manually overclocked setup. Peak clock speed will give higher performance in bursts of high detail, whilst a high average clock speed will mean you get more consistent frame rates. In either scenario the EVGA is very good indeed.

EVGA RTX 2080Ti FTW3 Ultra Review Â