MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K 2K Monitor Review

MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor Review


It’s amazing when you look at these two shots below how much extra information is available, even above and beyond a 4K panel. 4 1080 screens whilst still having room left over for a to-do list or similar, without the spaghetti and multi-stands that an old school 4 display setup would require is life-changing. Flight sim enthusiasts are already reaching for their credit cards.

MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor Settings
MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor Multi window  

You can never have too much real estate, especially when you’re having to bring in images and sound to your videos. Why have to alt-tab out to your image editing software when you can just have it open elsewhere on your desktop. Productivity levels increase exponentially when you can see it all at a glance.
MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor PIP  

Nothing is worse than being forced to run in a particular configuration, and MSI have neatly side-stepped this particular annoyance with an incredibly flexible display setup, offering everything from a 5K screen, to four 1080 ones, via some more complicated setups. Perfect if you want Discord, OBS, Twitch and your game viewable at all times without compromising your game fidelity.
MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor Splitscreen  

Of course with such a high end panel we would expect full control over its colour reproduction, and the days in which you had to fiddle about with unhelpful OSDs are behind us. The MSI PS341WI Prestige has a full software suite to control every aspect, from simple brightness through to complicated split setups.

MSI PS341WU Prestige 5K2K Monitor Settings Â