ASUS ROG Falchion Ace HFX Keyboard Review

Introduction and Technical Specifications

ASUS ROG Falchion Ace HFX Review


No matter how much people might pretend they enjoy living outside their comfort zone, for the majority of us comfort is the element to which we strive. This often comes in the form of familiarity. Whilst you might think you’re not particularly familiar with your PC, and you’d be comfortable on any setup, the truth is that using another’s PC is often unsettling. We know where the things ought to be, but they aren’t.

What has that to do with today’s review of the ASUS ROG Falchion Ace HFX? Firstly it’s the upgraded sequel to a keyboard we’ve reviewed before. Secondly, ASUS have revised their approach to one feature and made it revolutionary.

There are a few features specific to the Falchion Ace HFX, but two outputs is probably the biggest. It’s an admittedly niche element, but like a KVM it’s perfect if you have a main rig and a side one. Or maybe you stream with a laptop for chat and your main system for the game. Being able to control both with a single keyboard brings familiarity to the table. That, in turn, makes your workflow smoother and faster as you’re not scrabbling for a key.

As you might expect, or hope, that isn’t the only cool thing on the Falchion Ace HFX. Let’s take a look.

Technical Specifications

ASUS ROG Falchion Ace HFX Specifications

Von Blade

Von Blade

I’m VB, the resident OC3D keyboard slave, writer of half the content you love and all the irreverent bits you hate.

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