Corsair K63, Lapboard and Dark Core Unplug and Play Review

Corsair Unplug and Play Review

K63 Lapboard

Ergonomics are the key ingredient and we think Corsair have nailed it with the K63 Lapboard. After all, you don’t want it so wide that it’s unwieldy or will clatter into your significant other when they are watching you exhibiting your skills, but neither do you want it to be so small that you feel constrained. It’s very much a refinement of the Corsair Bulldog and we think their experience with that and the feedback they received has led to this excellent design.

Corsair Unplug and Play Review  
Corsair Unplug and Play Review  

The K63 lapboard is very low profile, being exactly as high as it needs to be. There is a decent amount of padding on the underside too, something your thighs will thank you for.

Corsair Unplug and Play Review  

Fitting the keyboard into place used to involve lots of screws and fiddling about, but now it’s a simple matter of a couple of clips that lock into specially crafted slots on the back of the K63 keyboard. Perfect if you can’t afford to have a spare but don’t have the desk room to leave it all in place on the lapboard 24/7.

Corsair Unplug and Play Review  

With everything in place you can see how harmoniously it all works, with no unexpected extra space hanging off an end, and the full width wrist rest ensuring you can game pain free for lengthy sessions.

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