ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review

Up Close

Just because it’s a power supply doesn’t mean that ASUS are going to change their packaging. The Thor II has all the looks and visual impact that we’ve come to expect from this most famous of gaming brands.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

There might come a day when a ROG product comes without all those little extras that make you feel like you’re getting your monies worth, but it is not this day.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

We spent ages befuddled by the decision to stick a 12 pin connector on the current crop of graphics cards, but as you would expect ASUS have you covered and the Thor comes with a 12 pin cable that saves you having to dig out the adaptors and making your careful cable management look like it was designed by Boris Johnson.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

It’s not just the above cable that makes us grin though. You get a full set of high quality cables here. A huge step above the less interesting ones that you get with more affordable power supplies. Sometimes in life you get what you pay for. This is one of those times.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  
ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

Sometimes we have a photograph that you don’t want to stare at too long without feeling like you’re getting flashbacks from the Summer of Love. Moving on before we get a migraine…

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

When you view it from the other angle the side of the Thor almost borders on understated. We know that when it’s turned on with the Thor triangle is glowing and the screen showing off your wattage it’s less subtle, but at this price we don’t want subtlety.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review  

Lastly around the business end you can see the full compliment of connections ensuring that even the most hardware-rich user wont run out of places to plug their hardware in, no matter how many SATA drives or GPUs you’re running.

ASUS ROG Thor 1000W Platinum II Review Â