Deathloop Patch 1 Tested – DLSS VS FSR and More

Deathloop PC Optimisation Guide




DLSS VS 4K Native – Does DLSS Looks Good? 

Does DLSS look good in Deathloop? Yes, yes, and yes again. In fact, DLSS’ higher quality modes are sharper than Deathloop’s native TAA presentation, delivering PC gamers visuals that are arguably better than native. 

While this could be seen as a sign that Deathloop’s native TAA implementation is poor, that point can also be turned around to say that DLSS provides better anti-aliasing and image quality than Bethesda can. Either way, this is a strong showing for Nvidia’s DLSS technology.  

(Native 4K VS DLSS Quality)
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FSR VS 4K Native – Is it as good as DLSS?

So what about FSR? Like in our original PC optimisation guide for Deathloop, FSR’s image quality is not as strong as a native resolution render. In stills, FSR highlights more aliasing, but in motion, Deathloop’s TAA does a great job at eliminating jaggies. Even so, Deathloop with FSR is a blurrier version of Deathloop. 

While FSR’s Ultra Quality mode provides high enough levels of image quality at 4K to be extremely useful while the game is in motion, lower quality modes have graphical downsides. Deathloop is a relatively poor showcase for AMD’s FSR technology, especially when compared to games like Far Cry 6. 

(Native 4K VS FSR Ultra Quality)
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FSR VS DLSS – A Clear Winner!

When comparing FSR and DLSS, there is a night and day difference in image quality. While delivering practically identical performance levels, DLSS provides much higher levels of image quality than FSR. DLSS is simply a better solution when playing Deathloop, both in stills and in motion. We also haven’t seen much trailing or other DLSS-related artefacts, which have been notable downsides for some DLSS enabled titles. 

(DLSS Quality VS FSR Ultra Quality)
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FSR VS DLSS with lower baseline resolutions

When comparing FSR’s Balanced ode and DLSS’ performance modes, similar performance levels are achievable in Deathloop, but DLSS provides significantly higher levels of image quality. While FSR does look much cleaner when Deathloop is in motion, DLSS delivers a much sharper image regardless of whether or not you are capturing still images or gameplay videos. 

When using lower baseline resolutions, DLSS delivers much higher levels of image quality than FSR, so much so that the comparison almost seems silly. 

(FSR Balanced VS DLSS Performance)
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