Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Closed Beta Performance Review
When playing any beta, gamers should expect to come across issues, whether they are in the form of occasional crashes, graphical issues or broken gameplay mechanics. These days most beta releases can be more accurately called pre-release demos, coming with lots of polish and often come with fewer bugs than a game’s final release. Â
To put it mildly, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3’s closed beta is a total mess when it comes to PC performance, suffering from almost constant stuttering, stupidly low minimum framerates and controls that simply did not feel responsive. Gameplay wise I can honestly say that I enjoyed the title, but the game’s performance leaves it in a position where I could not recommend that anyone buys into, at least until further performance evaluations can be made on the game’s official release.Â
To be frank, CI Games should be embarrassed that they allowed members of the public to play this version of the game, with many others already reporting that the game’s performance issues had irreparably marred what otherwise was an enjoyable gameplay experience. Now CI Games have to rebuild trust with PC gamers, as what should have acted as an advertisement for the final game (the closed beta release) has done nothing apart from highlight the many issues present in the game.Â
When comparing both AMD and Nvidia GPUs there is no clear performance leader, with both suffering from major performance issues and insufferably inconsistent framerates.Â
Right now the best that gamers can hope for is that this beta release uses an old build for the game and that CI Games have already been working on the issues that are present in the PC version of their game. If not CI games will have a lot of work to do and just less than 2 months to do it, provided that the game isn’t delayed until later in the year. Â Â
What this beta goes to show is that gamers should never expect perfection from any pre-release product, though this release has certainly left us concerned about the final quality of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3.Â
We do plan on conducting full performance testing on Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 when the game releases on April 4th, hopefully finding a game that performs much better than this early beta release, though to say the least this games performance cannot get much worse.Â
You can join the discussion on Sniper Ghost Warrior 3’s Closed Beta on the OC3D Forums. Â