OCZ Summit 250GB SATA2 SSD
ATTO Disk Benchmark
ATTO Disk Benchmark may be one of the oldest hard disk benchmark utilities still in service, but many would argue that it still remains the best. Unlike HDTune Pro and many other benchmarking utilities, ATTO can be configured to write up to 256MB of data to the disk in file sizes varying from 5KB to 8MB. This is especially useful for SSD drives and indeed RAID configurations where performance can be heavily reliant on the cluster size of the disk. All tests were run with the default settings of 0.5KB through 8192KB transfer sizes with the total length of 256MB. For clearer comparative purposes, the key stages of the benchmark are included in the graphs below:
Results Analysis
The OCZ Summit starts off well, beating it’s stablemate, the OCZ Vertex in the 4KB test, however the tables were turned come the 32KB test and the OCZ Vertex kept the lead throughout the remainder of the ATTO benchmark. This is in stark contrast to the CrystalDiskMark results on the previous page so make of that what you will. I was particularly interested to see that the Summit appeared to struggled in comparison to the Vertex which uses a different controller with regard to writing small files in this benchmark. One thing is for sure though and that is the SSD’s clearly out pace the mechanical drives of yesterday by a clear margin.
Let’s see what PCMark Vantage makes of the drives…