Noctua NF-12×15 Slim Fan Performance Review

New Products From Noctua.  


A box of goodies is always appreciated here at OC3D towers, and when that box has the word Noctua written on it, you know you’re in for a treat.  So what’s in the box? I hear you ask.  Well aside from some much needed syringes of NT-H1 TIM, there were some of the very latest Noctua products.  First out of the box, and the main reason for this review, came a pair of the new NF-A12x15s.  As the name suggests, these are a slim version of Noctua’s iconic NF-12 120mm fan.  Being just 15mm thick it offers the user the opportunity of pairing it with rads and AIOs, which when paired with a standard depth fan might not fit into the required space in a case.  Next out came a NF-A20 fan.  This huge fan measures 200x30mm, and in the right case should offer a low noise high airflow solution.  Last out came three near identical black boxes, two of which contained the NA-SAC5 SATA to 4 pin power adapters, and one of which housed the new NA-FC1 fan controller.

Time for a group Photo we think!

New Products From Noctua. Â