DFI Lanparty T3eH6 DK X58 Motherboard

Cinebench 10 is a benchmarking tool based on the powerful 3D software Cinema 4D. The suite uses complex renders to gauge the performance of the entire PC system in both single-core and multi-core modes. Testing was performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being omitted and an average created from the remaining 3 results.

3DMark is a popular synthetic gaming benchmark used by many gamers and overclockers to gauge the performance of their PC’s. All 3DMark runs were performed a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being removed and an average calculated from the remaining 3 results. Also included are the CrossfireX results to give an indication of how 8x PCIe lanes perform.
Results Analysis

Scoring in the middle of the pack is something the DFI seems to do well in. It neither beats the competition to a pulp with it’s results nor does it sacrifice performance for looks. Over the many benchmarks we have run today it is clear the DFI is a capable performer so how will it fair in our run of gaming benchmark?
Let’s find out…