Mushkin PC10666 Low Voltage RAM Review
Everest Ultimate Edition
The grand old Dame that is Lavalys’ Everest is heading into the sunset, but for the time being we still have a wealth of results to hand and so let’s crack on.
Straight away we can see the balance between CAS8 and 1600MHz of the Dominator kit is right at the sweet spot of the CAS7 1333MHz Mushkin on test today. Both of them giving similar results although the Mushkin edges ahead.
Up at 2000MHz the Dominator GT just edges ahead by virtue of being 8-8-8-24 instead of 8-10-8-27. Of course when we bump the processor up to the logical 200BCLK the Mushkin goes back ahead as we’d expect. Although it does demonstrate how much pure performance is available.
AIDA64 is the replacement for Everest, designed and built by exactly the same team. We’ll be gradually replacing Everest with AIDA64 as we gain more benchmarks.
For now the results nicely follow those we saw in Everest with the increased bandwidth available from XMP2 really allowing the Mushkin to stretch its legs and the CPU overclock pushes it still further.