Mushkin PC10666 Low Voltage RAM Review
wPrime 95
The 32 Million place calculation actually shows a difference between the memory on test which is surprising considering how quickly its over. Once again we’re seeing something strange from XMP2 as it’s slower than even the XMP1.
The 1 Billion place test naturally widens that gap even further. The low CAS that we have in the 1333MHz Mushkin at default is obviously the reason for it undercutting the Dominator 1600MHz, but the XMP2 profile isn’t so lax in its timings compared to the Dominator GT that it explains this huge difference.
3D Mark Vantage
Finally the ever popular 3D Mark Vantage. Whilst we await the latest version there is still a little life in the old dog. The results follow the pattern we’re used to now with the Mushkin XMP1 holding its end up very well, XMP2 being surprisingly under-performing and the the 200BCLK overclock rocking our world.