Touring the MSI Booth at CES 2024

Surprise Corsair, PSUs, and RTX 40 SUPER GPUs

Surprise! It’s a Corsair case!

This year we were shocked to learn that Corsair wouldn’t be present at CES 2024, but what surprised us more was that they had a new case as MSI’s booth.

Origin PC are creating Project Zero compatible PCs, and this system uses Corsair’s upcoming 6500X case. This new case will support MSI’s Project Zero products, and traditional PC hardware. MSI told us that this case was due to release this month, so we expect to hear more about it soon.

As you can see Corsair’s 6500X case is filled with MSI hardware and Corsair liquid cooling components. It’s a lovely system, and MSI’s project Zero hardware gives this system a very clean aesthetic.

MSI Power Supplies at CES

MSI shown us two new power supplies at CES 2024, both of which build upon ideas that MSI first talked about at Computex 2023. For the past while, MSI has worked hard to overcome the issues associated with the 12VHPWR connector. With their new MAG A1250GL and MAG A850GL White power supplies, we can see two changes from MSI. First, we can see that MSI has moved from 12VHPWR to 12V-2×6. Second, we can see that the pins on their connectors are yellow.

Why are these connectors yellow? The answer is simple. This patented design allows MSI users to see if their power connectors are fully inserted at a glance. If you see yellow, it is not fully seated.

Below is an exaggerated example of what a improperly connected 12V-2×6 cable looks like. If you see yellow, you need to push your cables in more.

There we go, that’s a fully seated power connector.

MSI showcases their RTX 4080 SUPER lineup at CES

We have detailed MSI’s RTX 40 SUPER GPU lineup here, so we will focus on our favourite new graphics card model here. Meet the RTX 4080 SUPER EXPERT, a new GPU design from MSI that features an Aluminium Die Cast body, and a patented fan design. Overall, the GPU feels very “Founders Edition”, albeit with a different design aesthetic.

We love this new GPU design from MSI. It is refreshing to see something that isn’t overly “gamer” in design. This is an elegant graphics card design, and the modder in us would like to see what this GPU would look like when painted. What colour would you like to see this painted?

Mark Campbell

Mark Campbell

A Northern Irish father, husband, and techie that works to turn tea and coffee into articles when he isn’t painting his extensive minis collection or using things to make other things.

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