CableMod 12VHPWR Custom Cable Overview

CableMod 12VHPWR Cable Overview


CableMod has been operating for a long time now, and so far we have not heard of anyone that has had any problems with their cables. As heavy users ourselves, we also have nothing negative to report. The only negative thing that can really be said about CableMod is that their products are premium, but the same can be said for all aesthetics-focused PC products. Most PC builders want aesthetically pleasing systems, and CableMod have products that can help purchasers take their PCs to the next level.

Custom sleeved PSU cables have always been expensive, and that has not changed with the introduction of the 12VHPR standard. Why would it? While the 12VHPWR standard has recieved a lot of flack in recent history, there is nothing bad that we can say about CableMod’s implementation here. Their cables are robust, and they have cable options that support a huge variety of power supplies.

A lot of PC builders want to move away from the 8-pin PCIe to 12VHPWR adaptors that Nvidia and their partners have provided them, and there are many reasons for this. These cables are short and awful to manage, they look/feel too cheap to be something that was supplied with a £1,600+ graphics card, and they are simply unsightly. A lot of people want 12VHPWR direct-to-PSU adaptor, or higher quality 8-pin to 12VHPWR adaptors. CableMod provides both.

If 12VHPWR cable bending turns out to be as big of a problem as many think it is, then CableMod’s 12VHPWR 90-degree adaptors will prove to be a very popular product, as it will help mitigate the issue. We hope to look at this adaptor in the near future and test it with an RTX 4090. We hope that CableMod has patented their 90-degree adaptor design, because we think that a lot of companies plan on imitating it.

As always, CableMod has supplied us with some great looking PSU cables. These a darned good cables, and we expect to see them in a lot of future PC builds. 

You can join the discussion on CableMod’s 12VHPWR adaptors and direct cables on the OC3D Forums.
