Civilization VI PC Performance Review

Civilization VI PC Performance Review

4K Screenshot Graphical Comparison

Graphically there is more to Civilization VI than the game map, with each Civilization’s leader having their own models, dialogue and animations. 

At Minimum and Low settings, Civ leaders are a simple portrait, saving players a lot of GPU and memory resources to use on other aspects of the game. On Medium and above settings players will see a 3D version of each leader, with their own personalised animations which can be used to help judge a Civilization’s objectives and feelings towards you. 

Civ Leader quality options can be set to Low, Medium and High, with Medium presets settings leader Quality to low, High presets setting leader quality to medium and Ultra setting Leader Quality to high.

Low, Medium and High leader settings look the same for the most part, with higher settings adding more detailed shadows and hair for the leader. High Leader settings have a huge performance impact and little visual impact, so we would recommend that PC players set this to medium or low if they have framerate issues in leader sections. 


Civilization VI PC Performance Review  

Civilization VI PC Performance Review  
Civilization VI PC Performance Review  
Civilization VI PC Performance Review  
Civilization VI PC Performance Review Â