Monster Hunter: World PC Performance Review

Monster Hunter: World PC Performance Review

4K Benchmarks – We’re gonna need a bigger GPU!

1440p already proved to be a challenge for our GTX 1080, with 4K knocking the graphics card to sub-30 FPS in our secondary test scene. A GTX 1080 Ti would be able to offer steady 30+ framerates here, but that still wouldn’t be enough for a solid 60+.       

Monster Hunter; World looks beautiful at higher resolutions, allowing players to see every piece of detail on the monsters/creatures within the game, highlighting the smooth animations of the wildlife and the attention to detail in their models. This situation leaves us very anxious to see the next generation of gaming GPUs from both AMD and Nvidia, as we would love to see this game running better at 4K. 


Monster Hunter: World PC Performance Review  
Monster Hunter: World PC Performance Review Â