Foxconn DigitaLife ELA P45 Motherboard
Call of Duty 4 is quite possibly the ‘must have’ online multiplayer FPS of 2007/8. This is the fourth incarnation of Infinity Wards best-selling series and is set to become a stalwart of the FPS genre. The training sequence was run 5 times with the fps being recorded via Fraps and the average fps then deduced.
Quake 4 is a game built on the Doom 3 engine. Benchmarking was performed using Quake4Bench and a custom timedemo recording along with 0xAA, 0xAF settings at a resolution of 1024×768. The benchmark was set to run a total of 5 times, with Quake4Bench automatically calculating an average result at the end of the run.
Unreal Tournament 3 is the highly anticipated game from Epic Games and Midway. The game uses the latest Unreal engine, which combines fast gameplay along with high quality textures and lighting effects. All benchmarks were performed using a run-through of the Shangri-La map. As usual, all benchmarks were performed 5 times, with the highest and lowest results being removed and an average calculated from the remaining three.
Results Observations
Unfortunately, we again see the theme continued with the 3D gaming benchmarks where the Foxconn ELA comes in last place. Admittedly, the frame rates that the Foxconn ELA provided are more than acceptable for gaming, but we always thirst for additional performance when gaming.