Foxconn DigitaLife ELA P45 Motherboard
It’s interesting to note that the Sisoft Sandra CPU Arithmatic benchmark doesn’t appear to be dependant upon processor clock speed. With the Intel Q6600 running at 3.2GHZ on the Foxconn ELA, there is marginal difference between the results of the other three reference motherboards. However, the CPU Mulimedia (Integer and Floating Point) benchmark illustrates a different story, by showing the Foxconn ELA lagging considerably behind the two X48 and P35 motherboards.
DDR2 memory performance (Read, Write and Latency) was substantially better on the Foxconn ELA than the P35-based ASUS Blitz Formula SE. Unfortunately though, better performance was provided by the X48 motherboards with an increased CPU clock speed and DDR3 RAM.