Foxconn DigitaLife ELA P45 Motherboard
HDTach is a free hard disk benchmarking program from SimpliSoftware. This benchmark is not only capable of producing results on hard disk access times but also CPU usage required during disk access. The “Long bench” was run a total of 5 times with the highest and lowest results being omitted and an average calculated from the remaining 3 results.
SiSoftware Sandra (the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant) is an information & diagnostic utility capable of benchmarking the performance of individual components inside a PC. Each of the benchmarks below were run a total of five times with the highest and lowest scores being discarded and an average being calculated from the remaining three.
Results Observations
The Foxconn ELA managed to keep up with the reference motherboards during testing of its disk subsystem. The results were very close between all the motherboards, and the Foxconn ELA managed to provide the lowest Random Access speed. Unfortunately, HDTach illustrated an increased CPU usage on the Foxconn ELA of 2%, but this was an identical result for the ASUS Rampage Extreme.
Sisoft Sandra’s HDD benchmark showed that the Foxconn ELA performed well during the Disk Read Index benchmark, where it managed to pull second place just behind the X48 ASUS Rampage Extreme. Again, Disk Read Access performance was identical to that of the Foxconn BlackOps and the ASUS Blitz Formula SE.