Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review

Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review

Game Settings and Graphical Options


In terms of Graphical settings Far Cry Primal is very similar to Far Cry 4, offering the ability to easily change your resolution and aspect ratio when needed and the ability to easily turn off V-Sync. In side the Advance Graphics Menu the game does not have any option for Nvidia HairWorks like Far Cry 4 did, though this is unsurprising given the effects performance impact in the last game and the fact that this new title is not advertised as a GameWorks title or bundles with Nvidia GPUs this time.

The game has a built in Benchmarking utility which preforms very close to actual gameplay, making it a great tool for testing your in-game settings.

In the Keyboard and Mouse options you will have the option to completely redefine all of the games controls, allowing you to control the game the way you want to, which is something that is a must for a game where you have so many options like throwing your weapon, lighting it on fire and the games constant hunting/gathering, all of which need to be done quickly/ on the fly.  


Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review  


Below are the game settings/presets that we used to test the game. Testing the game with these different settings will give you guys a great starting point for your own personal in-game settings.

From Normal settings onward the game uses SMAA, greatly reducing the visual aliasing in the game, really improving the visuals of this game given it’s grass and foliage filled environments.   


Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review  Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review  

[Low settings (Left), Normal Settings (Right)]

Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review  Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review 

[High settings (Left), Very High Settings (Right)] 

Far Cry Primal PC Performance Review

[Ultra Settings] Â