Homefront: The Revolution PC Performance Review

Homefront: The Revolution PC Perforamance Review


While the Far Cry in the big city style gameplay in Homefront: The Revolution can be enjoyable, the game’s performance is not even close to being something that we can recommend, especially for PC gamers with lower end systems. 

Even when using our GTX 980Ti and R9 Fury X GPUs we were unable to get this game to achieve a constant 60FPS at 1080p at Ultra settings, meaning that while the game does look nice when maxed out, nobody is going to be experiencing these visuals with a steady framerate. Players will need to wait for significantly more powerful GPU hardware before this game can be maxed out at 60FPS, even at 1080p.

At low and medium settings we can see a lot of objects drawing in as we move through the game, especially when outdoors and when traveling quickly via motorcycle. The game can also suffer from a lot of visual glitches and issues when it comes to some lighting effects particularly at night time, which really makes the game lack the immersion factor that a lot of other CryEngine games have. 

To put things simply Homefront: The Revolution takes a lot of good ideas and just doesn’t execute them very well, creating at the end of the day what equates to a less enjoyable Far Cry like experience with sub-par shooting mechanics and terrible performance on even top of the line PC hardware.  

Homefront: The Revolution was something that had potential, so much so that I can honestly say that I was excited about the game for a time, but at the end of the day this game is not something that is worth buying unless it is heavily discounted and you don’t mind playing the game on low settings or at lower resolutions.   

If you want to play a game with an open world, great shooting mechanics and great PC performance you should honestly just look into playing Far Cry 3, 4 or Blood Dragon if you haven’t already, as right now Homefront: The Revolution is certainly not worth the asking price.


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