Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Control Options


Mafia III is easily playable using either a controller of a mouse/keyboard, with the keyboard and mouse controls coming with rebindable keys in the game’s options menu. If you were to have any issues with any of the game’s controls you can simply change it to suit your needs. 

The game also comes with plenty of options for controller users, with the ability to adjust or turn off aim assist, look inversion and even controller vibrations. Plenty of games forget these options, so it is great to see that Mafia III has them included at launch. 


Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review


Sadly controller users will not have the same key rebinding abilities as those using keyboard and mouse, though the game does have a selection of controller presets that should suit most players. 

The controls are pretty standard for a 3rd person shooter, so the controls should feel immediately familiar for most players. 

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review Â