Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Screenshot Gallery & Graphical Fidelity

When looking at the graphics of Mafia III we can see that the city of New Bordeaux is indeed a beautiful place, though it is certainly a lot less detailed than the cityscapes of GTA V.  

Looking around there are a lot of textures that should have been higher resolution and minor details that could have looked better Mafia III does get things right where it really matters, producing some great looking character models and fairly believable facial animations.    

One thing that is worth noting is that there are very little aliasing in the game, though this does come with the disadvantage that the game world looks rather blurred and unfocused. We would love to see a No-AA option added to the game, as we would love for things to be that little bit sharper. 


Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review


Mafia III makes great use of reflected light, making areas with complex lighting a joy to play through in places like the swamps or in the better-illuminated location on New Bordeau.  

In locations like the swamp and other grassy areas are simply great places to travel through visually, with plenty of attention to detail and a lot of minor touches that makes the world feel more lived in than most games. Sadly this can be let down by the game’s physics, which can frequently have people walk partially through doors or otherwise warp through objects. 

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review

Mafia III Day 1 PC Performance Review


