Nvidia RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti Review

nVidia RTX 2080 and RTX 2080Ti Review

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Lara’s old adventures are still ones which can push systems hard. We have all the boxes ticked in the settings, the Very High preset engaged, 16xAF, HBAO+ Ambient Occlusion, PureHair on and FXAA.

It might be gorgeous to look at but that doesn’t mean that it’s been poorly optimised. Just like the GTX 1080Ti before it, both the Turing RTX 2080s give you over 60FPS even at 4K. Both cards will also max out a 144Hz monitor at 1080P, should you demand the very highest of frame rates.

nVidia RTX 2080 and RTX 2080Ti Review Â