Kingdom Come: Deliverance Performance Review

Kingdom Come: Deliverance Performance Review

Game tweaks – set a new framerate cap, save game location and how to disable V-Sync

Kingdom Come: Deliverance ships with a 60FPS framerate cap and a V-Sync setting that cannot be adjusted. Below is a method on how to manually adjust or remove these settings. 

Framerate Cap and V-Sync option

1. Easy Way

– In-game, hit the ` key (left of 1) to enter the console command menu. 

– To effectively uncap the framerate, type in the following. Replace “X” with a new maximum framerate cap  (Don’t include the quotation marks)

“sys_MaxFPS X”

– To remove V-Sync, type the following. (Don’t include the quotation marks)

“r_Vsync = 0”

2. Harder but permanent way

– Open or create a file called user.cfg and enter the above two commands into separate lines within the file and save it. This will load these setting every time you enter the game.

Save Game Location

Kingdom Come: Deliverance does not use Steam’s Cloud Save system, which means that save files have to be manually moved from system to system or archived manually by players. Below is the location of Kingdom Come’s save data. 

C:Users[Your Windows Accountname]Saved Gameskingdomcome