Scan 3XS Vengeance TUF Powered By Asus Review
Up Close – Externals
If you want a system that is guaranteed to arrive in one piece then the Scan 3XS packaging method will alleviate any nerves you may have. The system is packed full of bubble wrap to protect the internals, which is then put back in the original case box with all its packaging, and that is put within another sturdy box and further foam. Like a Matryoshka doll of protection.
It often happens when we have a system to review that the case is very much on the affordable end of the spectrum. Most people will gladly save a hundred pounds on the case as long as it contains all the hardware. The 3XS Vengeance TUF Powered By ASUS comes in the excellent dual-chamber ASUS TUF GT502 case. Lots of windows to show off your lighting choices, and a separate chamber for the PSU and cables. It’s extremely sturdily built, has some very useful handles on the top for moving around, and because everything is hidden at the back it looks very tidy.
The ASUS TUF Gaming B660-Plus WiFi has enough connectivity options to satisfy all but the most peripheral rich user, whilst you can also get a feel for how much wider the GT502 is when compared to a regular case.
A close-up of the very sturdy handles on the GT502 case. If you ever taken a case out of its box when there isn’t anything to get hold of you’ll appreciate the ease with which you can get the Vengeance TUF out of the box, but also carry it to its final place. The roof supports 3 120mm fans too so you won’t be short of airflow.
Within the box is something we always like to see, namely every cable, badge, manual and accessory that you would have received if you’d built it yourself from the individual components. It might seem a small thing but if you’ve ever wanted to expand your system and needed an extra PSU cable you know that they’re basically impossible to buy individually, so having them takes away one worry.
With the cables and PSU tucked around the back the main view of the 3XS Vengeance TUF Powered By ASUS is very clean and well built. Cables are carefully tidied away and it’s all nice and neat.