Hitman 2 PC Performance Review

Hitman 2 PC Performance Review

Graphical Comparison – Low to Ultra 

At low we can again see that Hitman 2 can look great at its lower quality presets, with the only big downside being the draw-in of specific graphical elements, which is this scene is grass for the most part.   

Medium Level of Detail (LOD) settings will allow grass to span distances that are further away from the camera, make draw-in a lot less noticeable, especially at resolutions like 1080p or lower. At Medium shadow detail also get noticeably sharper, while ambient occlusion adds some much-needed shade to some aspects of the scene, with trees benefiting greatly from the feature.   

(Low VS Medium (Click to see larger version))
Hitman 2 PC Performance Review  Hitman 2 PC Performance Review

At high settings, we can see that the game’s High Level of Detail setting signficantly increases the distance at which grass is drawn in, something which is clearly noticeable when looking across the road, especially around the red pickup truck. Shadow resolution also increases, though the diffused look of Hitman 2’s shadows makes this change difficult to spot.

(Medium VS High (Click to see larger version))
Hitman 2 PC Performance Review  Hitman 2 PC Performance Review

At Ultra we can see that more distant details are loaded in, drawing grass at distances further away from the camera, though it is worth noting that the difference is this scene is difficult to spot outside of this scene’s grass. At lower resolutions like 1080p, the difference will almost be impossible to spot in this scene, making LOD settings a clear thing to cut when playing the game at low resolutions. 

(High VS Ultra (Click to see larger version))
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