Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review

Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review

High-Resolution Screenshot/graphical comparison – Low to Ultra settings

In Space Battles, Star Wars Battlefront runs much better than during ground combat, so much so that wish that DICE was able to increase the game’s graphical quality here even further, though that being said the game already looks fantastic in these scenes.   

The attention to detail in space combat is superb, especially at higher graphical quality settings, with distant ships being drawn in at full detail and even minor pieces of geometry are visible on both Tie-Fighters and Star Destroyers alike. 

Moving from Low to Ultra graphical Quality settings offers a huge increase in the complexity of certain objects in space battles, with most of these changes being visible on the CR90 Corvette/Corellian Cruiser/Blockade Runner in the medium distance. Here we can see obvious changes to shadows/ambient occlusion and model detail as we move up the game’s graphical presets. 

Even when looking in the far distance of the ship where the player’s Tie Fighter is departing we can see a lot of changes to geometric detail in the distance, especially when changing from medium to high settings. 

(Low (Left) VS Medium (Right)) 

Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review   Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review

(Medium (Left) VS High (Right))
Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review   Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review

(High (Left) VS Ultra (Right))
Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review   Star Wars: Battlefront II Trial PC Performance Review