Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

RX 5700 VS RTX 2060 – Performance Scaling – Medium, High and Epic

When looking at our screenshot comparisons for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, you should have been able to see that most of the game’s visuals aren’t heavily impacted by lowering the game from Epic to High, making High one of the best presets for new players. 

Yes, some things like particle effects and distant shadows are improved at Epic settings, but it is worth the huge dip in average framerate on both Zeffo and Kashyyyk? 

When looking at these performance numbers, remember that Kashyyyk is a highly CPU-limited planet in Jedi: Fallen Order, which prevents the game’s lower graphical presets from having a larger impact on performance.   

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide  

In Kashyyyk, the impact of lower graphical settings is limited, as the game is primarily CPU-limited in this level.  

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide Â