XCOM 2 PC Performance Review – AMD VS Nvidia

XCOM 2 PC Performance Review - AMD VS Nvidia

GTX 980 Ti and R9 Fury X performance at 1440p


At 1440p both AMD and Nvidia give very similar performance, with Nvidia having a higher average framerate at all settings and with both the R9 Fury X and GTX 980Ti having very similar minimum framerates.

With such similar minimum framerates both GPU are pretty much indistinguishable during gameplay, with both sides suffering from the similar FPS dips during gameplay.

Just like at 1080p the Maximum settings really hit both GPUs hard, giving both GPUs average and minimum framerates of below 30FPS, making this games animations seem very jerky and slow. While the game is still entirely playable, the game looks a lot smoother at a higher framerate and lower settings.  


XCOM 2 PC Performance Review - AMD VS Nvidia Â